Here's the little scrap of fabric from the doll I wrote about in yesterday's post. Each little flower head is about 1/16" so super tiny. It appears to be 100% cotton. I would love to know more about it. The fabric reminds me of some feedsacks my grandma had saved from when she was a little girl. It's gorgeous.
And this little mess is part of my design process for making the little Lego sack. I thought someone might find all my math interesting. On the left is a list of the fabrics I used with checkmarks next to them. I wanted to have a good amount of the fabric showing all around. There are also lots of little things crossed out from my bad math and from changing my mind. The bag is also mostly lined. I know I didn't write that yesterday. Because of the way I stitched the window and the zipper in there, however, I had to leave two seams (I think) exposed on the inside. If I made another one of these, I would eliminate that. I will have to think about the construction a lot more and not stay up past midnight.
Oh, and don't forget about the giveaway.
And I didn't forget about the snap tape tutorial. It is complete but I wanted to show you the romper I made using the technique first. Alas, the terrible twos have hit us hard and I only have the one model (and the job that keeps me at work most weekdays). If I have time, I'll do the tutorial before the romper and show you the romper next week.