I wrote before about a swap I'm participating in. I'm usually very inspired by these types of things and was super excited to get started. When I was in grad school writing papers, I spent a lot of time doing ATC swaps to keep creative. For me, working on different projects helps keep my brain working in other areas too. So I thought this would be no exception even though I haven't done a swap with fabric before. I really love everything that's in the flickr pool and can't wait to see what comes in the mail for me. But I have to admit to being absolutely stumped on this one.
I pulled out some fabrics that I think will match my partner's house. I am going to piece something in strips like the image above from Heather, one of the swap moderators. I especially like what she's done with the one on the right. My plan is to cut 2" strips of fabric from what I've pulled from my stash and see what happens. I don't want to plan too much -- I really want to see what happens more randomly. I want to reference this fabric by Anna Maria Horner.