Thursday, May 29, 2008

Our kitchen is famous

Ali over at Mad About Martha, a super cool blog about all things Martha Stewart, posted about our retro-ish kitchen.

I made a flickr set with all the kitchen photos and will probably add some more soon.

I'm a huge Martha fan and subscribe to a couple of Martha-related blogs (r.i.p. Blueprint Magazine). I'll be adding this one to my list. Thanks.


  1. wow, that's fun. I still can't get over how similar my kitchen style is, except you have those awesome counter tops! You really can't beat those.

  2. Anonymous5:35 PM

    How exciting! Congrats! (how did they find out about you? flickr?)

  3. lumpkin, the countertops are from lowe's so they are totally accessible. we did them ourselves.

    nikole, i'm pretty sure it was from flickr 'cause that's the photo they used.

    i just love martha so this is a big honor.
