Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Contest Alert: I need a slogan!

UPDATE: The deadline for entries has passed. Thank you.

So for the past couple of months, the little tag line underneath my logo banner on the Etsy shop has been, "Wearable art for you and your little ones."

Now, I consider myself to be a little hip. I'm told I'm smart, sassy, fun even. Wearable art reminds me of a crocheted caftan with feathers and fringe (I don't think I'm quite sure what a caftan is...). Wearable art: tie dye and macaroni necklaces. Not hip; Not retro prints and good craftsmanship. My plan has always been to have a variety of cool items in the shop from stickers and plushies to onesies and prints. These little guys are just the beginning.


I need a new slogan. Etsy calls it a "Shop Title." My favorite belongs to TinyMeat: "Sorry, no pie here," it reads. I know I can't get much better than that, but with your help, we can try.

The deal with the contest is this: You'll get something for free from my Etsy shop. You can choose. You can custom order (within reason). You can design your own little guy or devise an ensemble.

I'll post a new blog when the contest is over and email everyone through the list on this page when I've stopped taking entries.

Rules and regulations:
You can enter as many times as you want via email [] or by posting a comment on this blog post.

I will end the contest when I feel like it.

I will notify the winner via email and by posting about it on this blog.

Good luck! May the best slogan win.

UPDATE: Due to the overwhelming response to this post, I will not be responding to each individual entry.

Also, I had lunch with mom today and we were talking about "wearable art." After she lied and said that it sounded okay, she added that the first thing that came to mind was, get this, BEDAZZLING. 'Nuff said. I wanna see a lot of entries.


  1. Anonymous12:01 PM

    how about:
    "scrap patch kids"
    "scrap patch kiddies"
    "patch me up"
    "kids in stitches"

  2. A good start! Keep them coming.

  3. Anonymous9:03 PM

    Wow, how many responses have you had??

    (from powderpuff)

  4. Hm...

    "What my mother should have dressed me in as a child"

    J/K - I will have to think about it for awhile.

  5. Anonymous9:15 PM

    Little monsters for your little monsters
    little monsters for your little angels

    I think the second is too sappy.

    Okay, it is the best I can do on the spot, but I will sleep on it and get back to you.

  6. These are getting good. I can't wait to see what I get tomorrow. I've gotten a few emails too.

    You can enter as many times as you want.

  7. Anonymous9:37 PM

    how about- keep you in stitches!

  8. "Retro critters from outer space"

  9. how about:

    "a little sweet but mostly sour" (get it.... Lemon)

    "put your pucker on" (again lemon)

    "sour stitches"

    "sour stitches for (kids, tots, you, whatever)"

    sorry... I'm stuck on your name (lemoncadet) cause I love love love it.

  10. Turn your head and squint

    Make it up as you go along

    Wearing this clothing does not enable you to fly.

    The only thing cliche is this slogan.

    Batteries Not Included

    No monsters were harmed in the making of this clothing.

    Please don't squeeze the baby.

    Contents under pressure.

    Do not eat.

    Remove infant before folding.

    Not to be used as a personal flotation device.

  11. Anonymous3:14 AM

    My idea? "Pucker up...and put it on!"

  12. Anonymous1:42 PM

    How about;

    "Cool digs for your kids"
    "Everyone looks better in art"
    "I don't bite but the creatures might"

    "A little lemon goes along way"

  13. Anonymous1:56 PM

    "Where lemons make lemonade"

    "No ice-tea here" Ok I stole alittle from Tinymeat

    I like magickalrealism's "Pucker up and put it on!" Good one!:)

  14. How about:

    Lemon Cadet: Sweet, sour and saucy
    Lemon Cadet: Sour Power!
    Lemon Cadet: Stitches for your bitches :)) (yeah, maybe not, but I love that one)

  15. Anonymous11:48 PM

    wear me, love me, feed me.
    irresistable custom created (or crafted) creatures project wear these creatures

  16. a little sour, a little sweet, a little cadet

    custom crafted cuteness (working off the previous entry a bit there)

    [although you might not want the stigma of having "cute" in your slogan for future projects...]

    cleverly crafted crap (TM)


    Lemon Cadet: Contains no actual lemons; the cadets are up to you

    Lemon Cadet: No, Sandi, it's not the name of a Girl Scout cookie from the '80s; I checked.

    Lemon Cadet: Did you ever have those "Lemon Cream Cheese on Nekot" sandwich crackers made by Lance? Well, these crafts bear no relation to them. Jeez. Didn't you just have dinner?

    Lemon Cadet: For the sourpuss in you.

    Lemon Cadet: No military training necessary

    Lemon Cadet: If you're looking for lemons or cadets, you've come to the wrong place. About face!

    Lemon Cadet: Arrrgh, shiver me timbers, where's me hand-crafted wearable art, ya scurvy dogs? Oh, wait, that's a pirate voice...

    Lemon Cadet: Scroll down...wait for it...wait for it...CUTENESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Lemon Cadet: As pretty as pink lemonade, but far more labor-intensive

    Lemon Cadet: Yeah, that's what I said. Two words. Lemon. Cadet.

    Lemon Cadet: Increasing the GDP one hand-crafted item at a time since 2006.

    Lemon Cadet: Working 9 to 5 ain't a way to make a living, and neither is making hand-crafted wearable art for your little ones. Not yet, anyway. That's why they call it a labor of love, people. Sheesh!

    Lemon Cadet: blood, sweat, and tears

    Lemon Cadet has no good anagrams.

    Lemon Cadet: There's more here than slogan contests. Really.
