Tuesday, April 03, 2007

In a large marble hallway

The craft show this weekend at CMU was really fun and a great learning experience. I met a few Etsy people and some other cool crafters. My table was stocked with goods. I ended up making some panties at the last minute because I wanted to have a range of items. I've been planning on adding panties to the Lemon Cadet line for a while now and Bring It! gave me a good reason to get on it.

The table looked great! All the yellow stood out well against the darkness of the stone hallway so I got great feedback on my little guys. Several people asked where I was going to be next. I didn't sell much (and I didn't expect to given the crowd) but I feel much more confident about my line and where to take it. I'm hoping to do some larger shows in Pittsburgh this Summer.

For the next show I need to think about how to display the mirrors and the buttons better. I thought they would sell better since they're so cute and inexpensive. The buttons were pinned on the scout dolls and the mirrors were in a basket on the left of the table. Now that I see the photos I can tell it's hard to even see the mirrors at all. With the buttons, maybe people were afraid to take them off or something.

Next time I'll do it differently. What's funny is that I actually got a few requests for the scout dolls so I'll probably add some to the shop in the upcoming weeks. You never know!

So thanks to everyone who showed up to support Lemon Cadet. Special thanks to Dee and Steph, my trusty helper elves who stayed with me during the day. They are way better promoters of my stuff than I am.

On that note, I'll be adding lots of new items to the shop this week. I have several yeti tees just about ready to go (need to add their little fingers!) and a super cute bug shirt (see him in the photo just above the buttons).

Coming Soon: www.YetiPanties.com, a division of Lemon Cadet!


  1. Anonymous10:05 PM

    You need more monkeys.

  2. I'll get to that as soon as I finish up with all these dogs!

  3. The scout dolls are cute. And Yay for more yetis!

  4. Anonymous6:38 PM

    Do you make mustachioed panties?

  5. I would love to make a pair of mustachioed panties! How cool would they be with brown faux fur....

  6. oh my gosh! your table looks lovely! I'm gonna add your blog to mine, I like it :)

  7. Your table set up looks great. I have a show in 2 weeks and I hope I can get mine together.
