Sunday, November 02, 2008

An Endangered Species

Please help me find more yetis to slaughter for their fur. I have used the last of my stash and can't seem to find this fabric anywhere.

I originally bought it at JoAnn Fabrics. That's the last of it curing on my clothesline. It can be found in the "fun fleece" section of the store when it is in stock.

That's a detail of a claw on one of my handcrafted yetis. No real yetis were harmed in the writing of this post. But if you don't act now, I will only be able to make about 2 more of them.


  1. Oh they must be going extinct! I have that same stuff in fuchsia. It's so much fun. Sadly, I don't live nearish to a Joanne's anymore, but last time I went was a few weeks ago and I don't remember seeing that stuff.

  2. I saw the fuchsia in the clearance section. I'm afraid the yeti's fate is much the same...

  3. Oh no! How sad. I'll have to look next time I'm at Joann's. Just what I need...another excuse to go to the fabric store. :D

  4. Oh nooooo!
    I'll keep my eyes peeled for yeti fur. I'd hate to see them become extinct!

  5. Thanks you guys! I don't want to stop making the yeti shirts.

    And I also can't find the yeti fur that I used to make the round plush. I think my JoAnn's is just out -- they still have the black in stock.

    I have the world's worst JoAnn's...
