Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Play Eats: Make more play foods

Not all handmade food has to be super involved or time consuming. This ravioli just requires pinking shears and an iron.

First, iron your Wonder Under to the dough colored felt. Cover the whole project with a cotton dishtowel or you'll melt the felt and ruin your iron.

Next, cut your felt into strips and then squares. I found it easier to make these one at a time. Peel off the paper backing to your interfacing and place a triple size cotton ball right in the middle of the square. Put another square on top (interfacing together) and iron each side. Don't forget your dishtowel! Don't worry about being neat because you'll trim your edges.

Snip snip with the pinking shears and you have some easy no-sew ravioli. If you didn't do a good job with your ironing, you can always pull apart where it didn't fuse, dab some glue stick on it, and iron it back up. To make the cute jar, I just hot glued some vintage ribbon to a Christmas container from the Dollar Store.

These peas and carrots are even easier. Buy some tiny pom poms and you have peas. The orange carrots are made from polymer clay rolled into a cylinder and sliced and baked.

Tomato slices take a bit more time. Embroider some veins onto your solid and stitch to your backing fabric RST (right sides together) leaving a gap for turning. Stuff with a smidge of polyfill. Turn them inside out and handstitch up the little gap.

There are several different tutorials out there on this bowtie pasta. But it does take a long time to stitch each one together. They look really cool though so the effort is worth it.

We eat lots of wrap around here. This is just some thick cotton fabric from the clearance bin at JoAnn's. I took some Tupperware from the cabinet and traced around it. Sew them together RST just like the tomato and clip the edges because you want nice round wraps. Stitch up your opening. Since these are flat, I just used the machine to finish them off.

And for the final step, I put all those painting skills that I got with that BFA to make char marks with the edge of a flat brush. I actually put a real tortilla on the table and copied it for the highest realism.

Let me know if you make any of these fun foods. Put some pics in the flickr pool.


  1. If you don't have a wonderful BFA to make the marks on the tortilla then grad one of those toy cars that are lying around the place, drive through black paint then drive over the tortilla fabric.
    Love the ideas, thanks for the infomation

  2. This is too freaking cute! Its also a great spring board for other play food ideas.. nachos, pizza, pasta, sushi, the list goes on and on!

    As for your reply on my blog about the show, I probably can’t go since its coming up so soon and I already have plans for that weekend. But its good to know that you’re in MA too! Now I know who I can bug to meet up at these shows so I’m not so lonely!

    Also, I tried to check out your facebook page, but it seems to be the wrong link?

    Okay thats a lot of random stuff from me. Cheers!

  3. Anonymous5:25 AM

    love these ideas! My kids just got a new kitchen playset and are in dire need of some food for it. Thanks for the inspiration!
