Saturday, October 22, 2011

Giant . space planning

I started putting some furniture in the studio apartMac. I am surprised at how much stuff I can get in there. I'm thinking I'll cut a hole in the back that will be a stairway leading to the lower level where the bathroom and bedroom are -- kinda like in a boat.

That TOMY sofa is killing me. I hate it in there; it's just what my "assistant" (to steal a term from MyRealitty) was playing with in our Lundby. I was too lazy to grab something else.

I will definitely be making some sort of kitchen area from these Irwin (Interior Decorator Set) pieces. My plan is to research Manhattan apartments for their kitchens. There is little I love more than House Hunters when it's set in NYC. I'm like Babe, pig in the city when I go there.

I've been adding lots of inspiration to my Pinterest and working away on the Billy balls.


  1. WOW! Where did you get the lucite chairs? They are amazing. I can't wait to see what you come up with :)

  2. Thanks!

    I got the chairs from eBay a few months ago. I think the set was about $15.
