While we were in Chicago, my fabric labels came in the mail. I'm so excited that they finally showed up. I'm happy with the font and the color. I thought for some reason that my logo would be woven, not printed. Oh well. It was only a test. I'll keep researching companies. I'm not a big enough business yet to be able to afford a bulk order with my custom logo so this is a great start. I deliberately chose a common font so it would be inexpensive for me to reproduce.
So now it's official! I'm going to work on a pillow this week since I'm taking vacation days from work. I was waiting on the labels to show so that I could sew one into the seam.
I've been very busy at work and have ended up so tired by the evening that I haven't been able to get any Lemon Cadet stuff done. I have a lot to catch up with for the Etsy shop. Maybe I'll be able to get back on my feet. My goal with the shop was to post 3 - 5 new items per week. I have a couple ready to go and should get them up before Thanksgiving. It takes a lot of time to shoot the pics and color correct them in photoshop.
It's really important for me to keep this fun and to keep it real. I don't want to get stressed out. I need each of these pieces to be infused with good vibes -- not stress. If that means I upload fewer products, then I'm okay with that.
Etsy has turned off the counters so I can't tell who is looking at my stuff. I hope they get that fixed soon. Such a blow to the ego, even if you know the reason...