I finished up my little cross-stitch gator today. I messed it up in a few places. What was I thinking trying to do teeny tiny sewing while Zadie was hosting a tea party? I pulled out a few rows of stitches and made do with the rest. It looks like a gator and she loves it so that's all that counts in my book (apologies to the
designer). I'm going to run
the same purple piping around the edges of the pocket but I think I'll have to line it first. You can see gators through the holes in the fabric. I had never stitched on that kind of cloth before but I really liked it.

Zadie and I also spent some time this morning picking out fabric for another pair of pants. I love this stuff. It is Riley Blake.
In other news, Project: Project is going to be the favorite blog all week over at
We All Sew! It's a huge honor to me. Just check out the great company I'm in.
So that's it for
kids clothes week. I had high hopes but I did finish one heck of a cute dress, one pair of amazing pants, and am loaded with inspiration from checking out the
flickr pool.