And now back to our regularly scheduled programming. This month has been a bit insane and this week marks the end of it. I decided some time ago that if there is ever too much going on, something's gotta give and that will never be my parenting. In order to be a good parent, sometimes I gotta put down this computer and read a book or magazine after wild toddler finally goes to sleep. Sometimes I have to turn off my brain. Writing this blog turns on my brain. When I write about the stuff I've been doing and want to do, I get so into it sometimes that I can stay up until 3 a.m. sewing and cutting and putting fabrics together. And dude, when Mr. Lemon is out of town, there is no way I can stay up all hours of the night like I'm in art school all over again and still get up and feed wild toddler breakfast at the crack of freaking dawn.
So anyway, if you're still with me, check out these amazing patterns my MIL found while she was packing up all the stuff in her attic to move into a new house (A new house of her very own that she bought! Yay! I remember how it felt to buy this place and I'm just so happy for her).

I have big plans for these. I already wrote about the
bubble romper (middle). I think I finally decided to go with the
Heather Ross gnome stuff that I got from Spoonflower but it's actually quite thick so I'm not sure. When it's hot enough to wear a romper, maybe thinner is better...

I'm super excited about the jacket on the left. I have one like it from when I was pregnant. It's really cute. I'm actually thinking the
new Far, Far Away stuff from Heather Ross might be great since it's a thicker linen blend.

And I'm hoping to find some nice quality knit for this dress. Something a little heavier than a Gap t-shirt but not too poly feeling. Maybe an organic cotton. And I might not ever make any of these. Aren't they just great for inspiration?