I got these mushroom ravioli things and Mr. Lemon had a tasty risotto that was even more surprisingly all vegan. They have a nice deck that overlooks gorgeous South Park (note hint of sarcasm) and we were seated by the big windows next to it so it was awesome and kinda romantic. Needless to say we were exhausted and home by 9. Mr. Lemon walked babysitter Grandma home over the icy terrain and we watched the ball until 10:30 when we just couldn't take Seacrest anymore and went to bed.
Such is life with an early riser. Zadie was up chatting with Camilla at like 5:30 so we brought her into the bed with us for a morning nip hoping she would crash back out like the old days and we could catch a few more Zs of our own. No such luck but Mr. Lemon took the morning shift and let me sleep a couple more hours.
Today I'm almost halfway into my 5 loads of laundry. Groucho is sleeping on one of the piles (we only have 2 laundry baskets). Sasha is nowhere to be found and Mr. Lemon is making gluten-and-just-about-everything-else free cupcakes for his sister who is doing the total elimination diet because her breastfed baby has eczema pretty bad. They are a bit gritty but with icing will be quite tasty.
I doubt that I'll have time to write more long rambling super parenthetical posts like these much this year as I'm begrudgingly back to work. So if you're still reading for whatever reason, I wish you a much better year than 2008 (even though we had a pretty good one what with Zadie joining us and all).