As many of you know, I've been on vacation this week. While I was away, I was selected by the Washington City Paper as the Craftiest Bastard of the Week. What an honor! The deal is that they choose one of their classified ads to be featured at the top of the page and they write about them to their email list.
They have a lot of ads so it's a big deal to be chosen.
In other news...
Lemon Cadet has finally hunted down a sasquatch. Soon there'll be little Big Foots (Big Feet?) running all over the Etsy shop. These are going to look great on onesies and even better on the white boy shorts style panties I just got in (just a couple of sizes).
Thanks to everyone for their patience while I was away and a special thanks to Char for taking care of the shipping (and the cats!). Wholesale orders are a bit behind but I should have all custom orders out in Tuesday's mail.
Screenshot and heads up provided by TinaSeamonster. Thanks.