A couple of weeks ago, I got a special order from a fellow Etsy seller, iSew. She makes these super cute monkey gadget cozies (you know me and monkeys!) and amazingly well-crafted bags, quilts, bibs, among other great stuff. When I get an order from an Etsy seller, I'm always really nervous. Other crafters inspect your work a little more closely because they know technique!
So I sent off the little onesie and waited anxiously for the feedback. When it was positive and included a lot of detail, I breathed a sigh of relief. Yay! She even uploaded a picture of Ryan the Yeti to her flickr page (check out her cat with the furry toes -- just like Sasha!).
Yesterday I got a google alert revealing her blog post featuring my shop. She even included a little mini of some of the items from my Etsy shop. So you should head over there and check it out. Her blog was recently featured over at Craft because of her tutorial on fabric labels. It's definitely worth adding to your Google reader.
In other blog feature news, one of my sistahs over at the Pittsburgh Craft Mafia featured a few of us on Subu, Inc., her wordpress blog.
I really appreciate all this support. And yes, I know I haven't posted on the Brooklyn Indie Market yet. All in good time...