I have been hit hard with some welcome-to-Fall illness: coughing, sneezing, aching, runny nose, the whole lot. My plans for
kids clothes week got knocked into the bin with a bunch of tissues. I've been keeping up with the goal of one hour per day with my cross-stitch, however.

So instead of handmade goodness, here are some of the amazing things I got last week when I went to a couple of yard sales with my mom. I love the recipe box in the top photo. It still has the price tag from the Hills department store of its birth. I love the color and my snaps needed a home to call their own. Those little kicks are E.T. Buster Browns from 1983 -- a fabulous thrift store find from a couple weeks back. This tin golf game from the 1950s is the best thing I think I have ever found secondhand. I plan to hang it on the wall in Zadie's big girl room as it matches the colors perfectly and will add the perfect vintage-y edge that I've been wanting. If anyone knows anything about it, I would love to know. It's a Pressman Toy and the company still exists but there is no date.

We also finally stopped into this fabric store that I have known about my whole life but never went into. I'm not usually anywhere near it (as it's a town away and not near much of anything else). I was surprised to find that it was quite well stocked. I picked up some cotton to make stockings for Zadie's school, some sewing supplies, and these buttons. There was an enormous bin full of buttons. You could pay by the pound or 3 cents each. I seriously could have spent all day going through the buttons. Next time I have a breakdown, find me there for therapy. It was so soothing.
I'll be back next week for a tutorial on the capelet, a tutorial on using your J foot to do a faux serged seam, and a couple of other surprises. As for now, I'm going to spend the evening watching
House Hunters International, my new favorite show.