Now that we're turning our crib into a toddler bed and getting rid of the changing table and its drawers full of cloth diapers, I thought it would be nice to post some pictures of the nursery. I put them on
flickr ages ago and
Ohdeedoh did a nursery tour but I never actually wrote a post about my design. I start at the crib and then move clockwise around the room. I will miss this layout but am also excited to change things up a bit.

The crib is the discontinued Tassa from Ikea. Somehow it will become a toddler bed using the same mattress. I got the sheet on ebay. I framed a beautiful handmade card that my sister in law gave to us at the baby shower but took it down once Zadie got mobile as Mr. Lemon was afraid she would reach it and impale herself. The rugs are from Ikea and Flor. I hadn't seen anything like this but there was a nice spread in Parents magazine a couple of months ago using this same idea.

We constructed the changing table from Ikea's trofast system. There is more information on
Ikea Hacker and
this earlier post. I've written about the alphabet before as it's been a real work in progress. We'll be moving the dresser to where the changing table is so I'm not sure how it's going to look. And what a sweetie there! About 4 weeks I think. Who can remember?

This dresser is the
Anes from Ikea. I think it's been discontinued as well but I like that it's made of actual wood and not a composite. It's very sturdy and well crafted. The bed will be placed under these frames so I'll have to add some more art to fill up the space. All of the frames except for the one are black so it ties all the images together. This little scene has actually changed a good bit these last 2 years.

Although you can see it much better in the first post, I wanted to mention that the molding we used at the edges of our beadboard ceiling is braided metal cable from Lowe's. Wood molding was not working and I wanted an industrial look to tame down the cottageyness of our 100-year-old house with sloping ceilings (it's called a half story). Basically, if I have an idea of something I want to do but I'm not sure what, I'll just walk up and down the aisles of Lowe's until I find it and then I ask Mr. Lemon if it will work. We often call each other from different parts of the massive store. It's tacked up with things that hold down metal conduit.

I love that there is a lot natural light coming in the room. We just have vinyl blinds instead of curtains to keep it airy. There are little cord cleats on the side of each window frame to keep the cords out of the way and we are diligent about using them.

The rocking chair is Ikea's Lillberg. It looks good and is incredibly comfortable but it doesn't really rock. I wish I would have splurged for a nice glider or just bought an ugly one that I could get rid of without guilt. But all three of us can fit in this chair and that makes it really nice. I might recover the cushions. We'll see.

We took the door off the closet when this was my studio and intend to keep it that way. I like how it opens up the space a bit.

And finally, the closet. This has changed the most. I love the little striped socks and black shoes of that doll sitting on the shelf. Most of the stuff is from Ikea too (really?). We got the metal shelf things in their Summer sale tent and even the metal bins on the left are flower pots from there. They work really well in the space which is deep but not very wide. On the right and out of the shot are clothes hanging up. Stuff we use is on the top and the bottom rod holds stuff she'll grow into. I shop ahead to save money.
The pictures in the
flickr set have been heavily tagged and commented on but if you have questions or want to know something (or make an offer on the rocker, ha ha), just let me know and I will answer it. I love this space and we spend a lot of time up there.