The dollhouse above is the amazing Villa Sibi Dollhouse. It costs $850. It's just a little bit out of my price range but I think given an unlimited budget, this would be the one I would get. I also love the Plan Toys Chalet. It's more realistically priced but still way out of my price range. I think I'm spending too much on the one I've chosen from Ryan's Room but I'll be supporting a local business with my purchase and that is important to me. I've also spent a lot of time researching the different dollhouses and I just keep coming back to this one. I like its simple shape and that it can be closed up. One reviewer said that her 1-year old had been climbing up it and it was still surviving.
The first couple of reviews will come from CSN stores. I first saw CSN when Rue Magazine linked to some of their products. I spent some time browsing around the site looking for a platform bed (still unpurchased). When they contacted me to do a review, I thought it would be a good way to see some of the items before Christmas.
I'll also review the Enchantmints mushroom stuff (specifically the bathroom because Zadie is obsessed with the potty like every other 2-year old), a Ryan's Room set (the patio furniture to meet our "outside" requirement), probably the Le Toy Van kitchen (how amazing is that teapot?) and hopefully a couple others.