and ends shortly thereafter so get your goods while they're cheaper than usual.
Friday October 24th and Saturday October 25th be a part of a massive Etsy Street Team event. With over 175 EtsyKids’ shops participating you’ll be sure to find huge deals on what you need this holiday season for children big and small.
Get your shopping list ready today and beat the crowd by previewing the entire list of EtsyKids shops taking part in this colossal event.
My sale is Buy One item, Get the Second Half off. Before paying, wait for a revised invoice reflecting the new price and probably a better shipping price.
A La Mode Fabric - http://alamodefabric.etsy.com/
Ali Bug Bowtique - http://www.alibugbowtique.etsy.com/
Baby Friendly Beads - http://bfbeads.etsy.com/
Baby Hangers - http://www.babyhangers.etsy.com/
Baby Kay's - http://www.babykaysboutique.etsy.com/
Baby Peas And Carrots - http://www.babypeasandcarrots.etsy.com/
Bam Designs - http://bamdesigns.etsy.com/
Black Eyed Susie - http://www.blackeyedsusie.etsy.com/
Boo Roo's Bowtique - http://www.booroosbowtique.etsy.com/
Bossy Baby - http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=5430401
Bows & Things - http://www.bowsandthings.etsy.com/
Bumble Belly Designs - http://bumblebellydesigns.etsy.com/
Chichi Boulie - http://www.chichiboulie.etsy.com/
CiCi Art Factory - http://www.cicifactory.etsy.com/
Ciuccio - http://www.ciuccio.etsy.com/
Coco and Milk Weed - http://www.cocoandmilkweed.etsy.com/
Cozy Cabin Creations - http://www.cozycabinmom.etsy.com/
Cute And Sweet - http://cuteandsweet.etsy.com/
Daisy Chains - http://daisychains.etsy.com/
Deedaloos - http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=5137032
Dine.N.Doodle - http://lilbdesigns.etsy.com/
Doodies Booties - http://www.doodiesbooties.etsy.com/
Doodle Designs - http://doodledesigns.etsy.com/
Ellie Beans - http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=5202542
Flora and Nicole's - http://www.flowernicky.etsy.com/
Francisbel Boutique - http://www.francisbel.etsy.com/
Going-Ga-Ga - http://goinggaga.etsy.com/
Grandmas Girl - http://www.grandmasgirl.etsy.com/
Griffin Gear - http://griffingear.etsy.com/
Happy House Quilts - http://happyhousequilts.etsy.com/
Hip Kids Tye-Dye - http://www.hipkidstyedye.etsy.com/
Hot Fudge - http://www.hotfudge.etsy.com/
Hullabaloo Boutique - http://www.hullabalooboutique.etsy.com/
I Luv U TuTu Much - http://iluvututumuch.etsy.com/
Itsy Bitsy Bunny - http://www.itsybitsybunny.etsy.com/
Jennifer's Bows and More - http://www.jennifersbowsnmore.etsy.com/
Jus Shar Designs - http://psbbdesigns.etsy.com/
Kaching Design - http://www.kachingdesign.etsy.com/
Kathy's Lil Creations - http://www.kathyslilcreations.etsy.com/
Katie Bean Kids - http://www.katiebeankids.etsy.com/
KeiKi Boutique - http://www.keikiboutique.etsy.com/
Kim's Stitch In Time - http://www.kimsstitchintime.etsy.com/
Kissie Girl - http://www.kissegirl.etsy.com/
Knit Style - http://knitstyle.etsy.com/
Lemon Cadet - http://www.lemoncadet.com/
Lilly Rose Bow Company - http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=5095159
Little Bird Creations - http://www.littlebirdcreations.etsy.com/
Little Bit Designs - http://www.girliemomma.etsy.com/
Little Butterbeans - http://www.littlebutterbeans.etsy.com/
Little Duckies - http://littleduckies.etsy.com/
Little Empress - http://www.littleempress.etsy.com/
Lizzypops - http://lizzypops.etsy.com/
Loco Mo Momma - http://www.locomomomma.etsy.com/
Loopy 4 Ewe - http://loopy4ewe.etsy.com/
Love 2 Sparkle - http://www.love2sparkle.etsy.com/
Luca Bella Designs - http://www.lucabella0522.etsy.com/
LuLu & Peep Children's Shop - http://www.luluandpeep.etsy.com/
Madaline Jane - http://www.madalinejane.etsy.com/
Mami Girl Boutique - http://www.mamigirlboutique.etsy.com/
Mary Had A Little Party - http://maryhadalittleparty.etsy.com/
Michele's Jewelry Designs - http://micsjewelrydesigns.etsy.com/
MJD Boutique - http://mjdboutique.etsy.com/
Mom N Mia Quilts - http://momnmiaquilts.etsy.com/
Moochies Mama - http://www.moochiesmamma.etsy.com/
My Kangaroo - http://mykangaroo.etsy.com/
My Sugar Plum Baby - http://www.sugarplumbaby.etsy.com/
Nana McQuilts - http://www.nanamcquilts.etsy.com/
Ninkey - http://www.ninkey.etsy.com/
Odannysgirl - http://odannysgirl.etsy.com/
Olive & Ollie - http://www.oliveandollie.etsy.com/
On Cottage Way - http://www.oncottageway.etsy.com/
On The Sweeter Side - http://onthesweeterside.etsy.com/
Once Upon A Cloud - http://onceuponacloud.etsy.com/
Oscar and Theodore - http://www.oscarandtheodore.etsy.com/
Painted With Heart - http://www.paintedwithheart.etsy.com/
Petit Debutant - http://petitdebutant.etsy.com/
Petunias - http://www.petunias.etsy.com/
Pink Dixie - http://pinkdixie.etsy.com/
PJ Hill Co. Crochet - http://www.pjhillco.etsy.com/
Pretty Baby Boutique - http://prettybabyboutique.etsy.com/
Pumpkin Head Baby Co. - http://pumpkinheadbabyco.etsy.com/
Punky Fae Designs - http://www.punkyfaedesigns.etsy.com/
QB Tots - http://www.qbtots.etsy.com/
Reilly Belle - http://reillybelle.etsy.com/
Retro 80's - http://www.retro80s.etsy.com/
Ribbon and Ruffles Boutique - http://www.ribbonsandruffles.etsy.com/
Rosey Posey Bowtique -http://www.roseyposeybowtique.etsy.com/
Rozzis Sweet Peas - http://www.rozzissweetpeas.etsy.com/
Scandeez - http://www.scandeez.etsy.com/
Scissorstitch -http://www.scissorstitch.etsy.com/
Seaside Quilts - http://seasidequilts.etsy.com/
SewSoNancy - http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=5198033
Sheeps Clothing - http://sheepsclothing.etsy.com/
Snap Dragon Design House - http://www.snapdragondesign.etsy.com/
SoBright Designs - http://www.sobrightdesigns.etsy.com/
Stella Bella Designs - http://www.stellabelladesigns.etsy.com/
Sunny Day Tags - http://sunnydaytags.etsy.com/
Sweetbeets - http://sweetbeets.etsy.com/
Sweet Pea Boutique - http://happygrandma402905.etsy.com/
The Bird & The Bean - http://www.birdandbean.etsy.com/
The Clever Kitty - http://thecleverkitty.etsy.com/
The Quilted Lion - http://thequiltedlion.etsy.com/
Thumbelina Boutique - http://thumbora.etsy.com/
Tiki Tales - http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=41608
Trendy Tot - http://www.trendytot.etsy.com/
TuTu Cute & Moore - http://www.tutucuteandmoore.etsy.com/
Tweet Tweet Boutique - http://www.jabstweettweet.etsy.com/
Twinkle Star Art - http://twinklestarart.etsy.com/
Whimzee Baby Boutique - http://www.whimzeeebaby.etsy.com/
Wild Olive Kids - http://www.wildolivekids.etsy.com/
Zwei Baby - http://twinmommy.etsy.com/
*Sale/sale items vary per shop, please read individual shop announcements before purchasing*